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Submitted by Editor on

As discussed in Issue 187, Broughton's 'Our future ... our city ... help us decide' budget consultation took place in Drummond Community High School last night.

So far, we've heard only critical reactions to the process. One attendee described it as 'a depressing and disappointing meeting [at which] the city officials from a variety of departments gave very little away as to be honest they didn't know the answers to most of the questions that were asked!

'Most of the questions [asked of the public] were unanswerable and an average of only 50 per cent of people voted. I only voted on two questions.

'I came away none the wiser and even more concerned.'

If you attended last night's meeting and came away with a different impression – buoyed, perhaps, at the opportunity to express your views fully, or relieved to find those in charge had a firm grasp of the situation – tell us. We are eager to give balanced coverage of this innovative two-way conversation when we return to the subject in Issue 188.

Meanwhile, the list of questions asked is shown in the pdf attachment below. You can answer them by filling in the form on pages 17 and 18.

For the results of Greener Leith's alternative budget poll, visit