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Are you constantly disturbed by the sound of bills landing on your doormat, politicians knocking on doors, young neighbours studying into the small hours of the morning at weekends? Help is at hand.

City of Edinburgh Council's Noise Team are this week highlighting the effect of excessive noise on individuals, and how each of us can avoid making a din of our own.

Their roadshow will be at North Neighbourhood's HQ at 8 West Pilton Gardens tomorrow from 10am–4.30pm, and will feature a noise-induced hearing simulator to demonstrate how hearing deteriorates with age and exposure to various levels of racket.

They'll also have information about exactly how they help with the 11,000 complaints about noise (commercial, domestic, entertainment and industrial) received each year (9,000 of which involve anti-social behaviour). If a genuine nuisance is being caused, CEC can serve an enforcement notice.

To report anti-social noise from a domestic property, call 311 3131 any day of the week. For other noise problems, call 529 3030. During out-of-office hours, call 200 2000.