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Ever thought of widening your horizons, helping others, broadening your work skills whilst between jobs or during education?

Volunteer Edinburgh’s recruitment fair today will let you meet a wide range of local organisations actively seeking the people they need.

It runs from 11.00am until 7.00pm in St Paul’s and St George’s Church on York Place. Admission is free.

‘We need to inspire, attract and engage more volunteers,’ says VE’s chief executive Harriet Eadie’.

‘We need to make sure that anyone, whoever they are, and wherever in Edinburgh they live, can share their strengths and skills and enjoy the volunteering that is right for them.’ 

When Spurtle visited during the first hour this morning, the place was buzzing. Around 150 had already come to look around and over a thousand more were expected to attend during the course of the day.

Over 50 organisations are represented. Everything from Slow Food to Police Scotland, Edinburgh Cat and Dog Home to the National Galleries of Scotland, Save the Children and Contact the Elderly.

Free advice is available, and there will be workshops on employability skills at 11.00am and 2.00pm, on volunteering with older people at 12.30pm, and on equality and rights at 3.30pm.

There’s also a café serving food and drink.

Some 1,300 groups register volunteering opportunities with VE, so if you’re interested but can’t make it along today, just pop into their new offices at 222 Leith Walk (opposite Boda Bar and Lorne Street), or visit the website here