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Submitted by Editor on

In Issue 181 and Breaking news (26.3.10), we reported on pre-planning application proposals for land between Heriothill and Broughton Rd.

Following objections and reservations expressed by neighbours, developer Sir Frank Mears and Partners has written to the New Town and Broughton Community Council promising to look again at how it will shore up the site's steep slope during and after excavation.

It has also agreed to introduce screening in order to ensure privacy for locals in Claremont to the south and children at the Heriothill Nursery to the west.

Despite assertions made at NTBCC's 1 March meeting about preserving and protecting existing trees on site, the developer's tame arboriculturist now considers that no trees of any merit exist there. A full landscaping scheme is proposed instead.

NTBCC will apply for statutory consultee status when a formal planning application is made in due course.