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Submitted by Editor on

Calton Hill was the place to be this afternoon, with all the clear skies, cool airs, wide horizons and – er – perplexing sitdownupons one could wish for.

It is reputed that prim Bostonians of the 19th century would routinely cover their pianos' legs in order not to embarrass visitors during a recital. It is also supposed that young ladies would refer to parts of their lower anatomy as benders rather than employ the dreaded 'kn***' word.

And even today it appears, to judge by this bench near the Observatory overlooking Broughton, that certain Americans – those notoriously uptight Californians, no less – retain a heightened sense of verbal delicacy when it comes to describing particular bits of the body. Almost unbelievably, two gentle souls from Sacramento baulked at the unapologetic, public exhibition of the 'f***' word.

Or were they thinking of something else? Spurtle is mystified. Suggestions, please.
