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Local results for the Scottish Parliamentary elections are in. 

They show significant gains for the Scottish National Party, Conservatives and Greens. And significant losses for Labour.

In Edinburgh Northern and Leith, the SNP’s Ben Macpherson took the seat from Labour (overturning former incumbent Malcolm Chisholm’s 595 vote majority).

Turnout: 55.2%

In Edinburgh Central,  Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson took the seat from the SNP (overturning former incumbent Marco Biagi’s 237 vote majority).

Turnout: 57.3%

Candidates returned on the Lothian list were:

These figures were compiled, at speed, from a variety of official and mainstream media sources early this morning. We will refine and add to them later today.


 David Adam Why did the Greens field a candidate in Edinburgh Central!! Davidson only won by 610.