A pleasurable exhalation of breath. A sigh of relief. Summer is nearly here, and with it … rain.
Edinburgh’s recent brief experiment with dry, sunny, warm weather (never all three at once) has mercifully come to a halt and we’re back to 50 shades of sodden.
Fortunately, the grass is lush and growing like bamboo. Unfortunately, this lunchtime in St Andrew Square, the grass cutters were having lunch in their van, oblivious to the damage Essential Edinburgh’s own tree report says such vehicles do to the tree roots.

Fortunately, the rain seems to mean that Costa’s unsightly marketing gimmicks are not out in the middle of the Garden. Unfortunately, they’re tucked round the back with the unsightly plastic boxes and the wrong kind of enormous plant.

Fortunately, the little patch of hardstanding shown below – next to the north-east gate of the Garden and a public bench outside – is no longer encumbered by great lumbering bins.

Unfortunately, they have merely shifted sideways and are now either gathering more cardboard to keep them company …

or are parked on the grass on the other side. Spilling out all over the place with the natural exuberance of an urban spaceman.

Oh, dear. Sorry to moan on about Essential Edinburgh yet again. But there again, why should we let them get away with such mediocrity? Someone has to keep re-stating the obvious point that EE’s efforts in the Garden continue to fall way short of expectations. It doesn’t feel as though their heart is really in it. It feels as if, at some fundamental level, they just don't understand the area, or have the willpower or resources to maintain it as a clean, well-ordered, uncommercialised, green space with healthy trees in it. Their record here is simply one crass disappointment after another.
Perhaps they should take a break. Perhaps they should make everybody’s summer and let someone else do the job. Perhaps they should leave us alone to enjoy the summer rain in peace.