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Scientists at Edinburgh Council's Scientific Services laboratory have found that frozen beef mince supplied to the shared kitchen of Pirniehall and St David's Primary Schools contained between 1 per cent and 5 per cent horsemeat.

The batch which tested positive was withdrawn on 8 March. However, it had already also been supplied to Oxgangs PS, Craigroyston PS, Braidburn PS and Forthview PS and 'It is not possible to confirm whether or not mince from this batch was served to pupils prior to the product recall'.

Mike Rosendale (Head of Schools and Community Services) and Councillor Cathy Fullerton (Vice Convener of Education) are keen to stress that there is no health risk attached to eating horsemeat, and that none of this adulterated mince remains in Edinburgh school kitchens.

All parents at the schools have been informed.

Council scientists have been testing meat products under the direction of the Food Standards Agency since 14 February. They have also been testing processed meat products supplied to schools, residential homes and other Council establishments.

The frozen mince was procured by a PPP contractor from a firm called 3663, which in turn procured it from a supplier called G.A. International.

A statement on 3663's website reads: 

'We are dismayed and disappointed by any positive result especially as we have issued strong and explicit communication to our suppliers about the high expectations on the integrity of our supply chain.

'We want to assure you that the integrity of products remains our number one priority. The whole team at 3663 is working to maintain customer confidence in the products we provide and to pro-actively communicate with you on our test results.'

That statement was issued on 12 March. However, a Council press release on the subject appeared only today. It is not clear from that press release why 17 days passed before CEC made the news more widely known. 

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