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Struggling to keep warm this morning was local artist Susie Keith, pictured here capturing a New Town resident’s Howe Street home en plein air.

Such commissions are not uncommon for Keith, who has exhibited in the area at the Sarah Dallas Gallery, Alpha Art and the Laurel Gallery among other venues over recent years.

The Glasgow School of Art graduate now operates from (and thaws out in) a Wasps Patriothall studio in Stockbridge.

She is attracted to ‘big strong scenes with a lot of movement,' she says, and Edinburgh is an inspiration:

'I love the quality of the light, and the very high and deep midnight-blue velvet skies that we often get are wonderful to paint. Those skies contrast perfectly with all the light-tan and rich dark smokey brown tones of the sandstone Georgian buildings – a delight to this Scottish artist’s eye. I could paint those colours forever.'

To find out more about Keith’s work, visit her website here. The temperature today is expected to peak at 50º F, struggling to reach 45º on Sunday.