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Submitted by Editor on

Spurtle's August issue (185) was completed yesterday and will be printed today

We're carrying: the latest news on New Town containerisation, and some New Town residents' response; planning stooshies; community events; pavement bicyclists (should they be banned, blasted or beatified?); youth activities; retail loss, replacement and repost; Festival highlights; bygone Broughton; missing dinosaurs; and an eel. Plus much more.

Issue 185 will start to be distributed through all the usual and unusual outlets on Sunday, but will go online late this evening along with Extras you won't find anywhere else. Watch out for further reviews and, of course, Aeneas McHaar's latest outpouring of unreliable geography – this time featuring polar bears and cigarettes so expensive they take your breath away.

As always, please send us your news, views and reactions. We depend on your feedback.