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Expect rain as Issue 191 nears completion and legions of fleet-footed delivery technicians prepare to deliver copies to Broughton's pubs, clubs, pubs, shops, galleries, nooks, grannies, eateries, meeteries and sundry liminal odd-spots.

This month we report on the end of the party for nuisance neighbours (if only), an opportunity for local businesses, an extraordinary door and the long-awaited arrival of flood defences. We address trip hazards, birds, cheap kettles, muddled lifestyles and social media, Polish generals, fiddlers' elbows and news of the art scene. We cover crime, film news, dates for your diary, and traffic updates – all garnished with wit and wisdom from Broughton's illuminating A-boards.

And don't forget the complementary bits and bobs which will appear exclusively online.

Dive in and send us your own news and reactions: Tel. 558 8574; email:; Twitter: @thespurtle; Facebook: Broughton Spurtle; post: c/o Narcissus Flowers, 87 Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3RJ.