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April's issue of the Spurtle will be published online on 4 April, and distributed in classic paper and print throughout Broughton's barbers and hair salons, pubs, clubs, galleries, newsagents, libraries, and retailers of gifts, vegetables, fish, beans, books, chocolate and personal requisites. Subscribers' copies will arrive by super-fit messengers in Spandex bearing umbrellas.

This month we continue the saga of city-centre supermarkets, air misgivings over flood defences and empty buildings, link readers to hustings coverage, look in close-up at a blister, touch on street parties and Jacobite tendencies, and deal with floaters, fishes, puffins, swans, dogs and Dimblebies. And other stuff.

We're always interested to know what readers like and deplore, and which subjects you think we should be covering but aren't. Let us know at:; Twitter (@thespurtle); Facebook (Broughton Spurtle); Tel. 558 8574. Or talk to us en route.