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If the October Spurtle were a tin of assorted Broughton-related chocolates, it would knock a tin of Quality Street Broughton-related chocolates into a cocked hat. For variety and depth of coverage on all topical issues relating to an area of north-central Edinburgh big enough to throw a medium-sized tablecloth over, it is unrivalled.

It contains: supermarket shocks, sporting triumphs, various noisy neighbours and the latest tram news. Admirals stand cheek by jowl with bees and upwardly mobile youth. Murals feature, as do Oscar Wilde, kidnap, pirates, pearls  and poos in the park. Planning developments jostle draught-proofing opportunities, dog trauma and school updates, and to cap it all there's a newborn baby and a naked appeal for your cash.

Don't miss out! Download your 4-colour copy from the Home page tomorrow, or pick up the black-and-white printed edition from any number of local shops, pubs, clubs, hair salons, libraries, eateries, galleries and miscellaneous odd-spots next week.