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Squeakily clean Spurtle staff have again not been summoned to give evidence at the Leveson Inquiry, leaving us ample time to continue deleting emails and finish a new pure-as-the-driven-slush edition of Broughton's only free, independent stirrer.

Issue 204 will lead with news of a campaign triumph, impending chaos, a sad departure, financial woes, and the ornithological musings of an optimist.

Inside we've got bugs, bands, biblionominal determinism, problem buses and Bob Dylan, teenage frustration, 'rectifiers', Drambuie and film clips, nocturnal noise news, plantings, police statistics, and a controversial back-page explanation for the recent liverishness of celebrity Spurtle reader Yang-Guang.

Issue 204 will be distributed from Thursday through the usual constellation of shops, newsagents, hair salons, clubs, galleries, fishmongers, libraries, cafés, bicycle retailers, carry-oots, sit-doons, stand-ups and fall-over-happies, plus a few other outlets defying  description.

You can avoid all of them by downloading a colour copy from our homepage.