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As balmy April gives way to balmy May, what better way to keep yourself warm and informed about all things Broughton than to stick a copy of the new Spurtle up your jumper?

The forthcoming printed edition carries a disproportionate amount of planning news, plus items on public safety, three furry friends, wildflowers, cherry blossom and a blue feather. We've got football of yesteryear, an unusable toast rack and bibliophilia, a 19th-century piano teacher, departing public figures, broadcasting misgivings, market news, holiday dates, wandering cabs, and a diplomatic incident. All this and more in your sizzling, soar-away Spurtle.

Issue 206 will be available soon in shops, newsagents, pubs, clubs, eateries, hairy spots, arty shops, fishmongers, butchers, bakers but not candlestickmakers. You can also download it in spectacular colour from the homepage at