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Submitted by david on

The March issue of the Spurtle is poised in the jaws of a printing machine. It will shortly be chomped, swallowed, digested and ... um ... brought forth glistening into the daylight ready for distribution across Broughton over the next few days.

Issue 216 devotes a whole page to mixed news about a troublesome void at the heart of the neighbourhood, It goes on to examine eating, drinking, collapse and death, art, dystopia, paradoxes, dullness, Bohemian rhapsodies, a mysterious black box and more bouncing optimism from local fitness guru Tracy Griffen.  

Apples, Albert and Architecture students abound on page 4, as do gas mains, an earthquake, the travails of private space ownership and a forthcoming baking event which will cheer and sadden Spurtle readers in equal measure (1tbsp each).

In fact, Issue 216 contains so much news that you are advised to secure your copy before it splits. Visit your neighbourhood newsagent, shop, eaterie, drinkerie, gallery, library, hair salon or greengrocer for the printed edition. Or turn to the colourful pdf version downloadable from the top-right corner of our Homepage.

We thrive on local news and opinion – please send yours asap to