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As you read this, Issue 217 of the Broughton Spurtle is hip-hippety-hopping through the presses like an Easter Bunny through spring fields full of gin traps.

Next month's four pages are packed with news, views and local gossip including, in no particular order: uphill battles and uncomfortable bits, upgrades in the offing and Council satisfaction, deep waters, lord provosts, slow progress and the link between models and Moulinexes.

We have gritty realism and a new novel, a book sale and many dead on Broughton Street, talent, muggers, a miserable mouse and long looked-for tidings of soon-to-be finished floodworks, maybe.

Theatrical Drummond students, over-the-top prose, pub news, and the latest immeasurably useful fitness tip from Tracey Griffen follow, as do an exhibition review, the obituary of a distinguished local, and the inside track on tramworks, motorised scooshers and a newly appointed minister.

Issue 217 will be distributed by seasonally adjusted rabbits via front doors, back doors, cat flaps and half-open windows, bike shops, potholes, newsagents, galleries, libraries, specialist boutiques and all manner of eating, drinking and general socialising establishments including hair salons, greengrocers and purveyors of fish. Alternatively, you can download a glorious 4-colour pdf from our Home page on the 1st of the month.

Remember! We depend on your input – all stories or ideas for stories are gratefully received, as are photos and relevant feedback on anything we publish in print or online.

You can contact us by post: Narcissus Flowers (87 Broughton Street) and email: and Twitter: @theSpurtle and Facebook: Broughton Spurtle