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Spurtle's latest print edition hits the streets today, brimful of news reported both from across Broughton and the bottom up.  

We bring you bluntness, boundaries, Bruce, blisters, bishops, bombers, bins, buses, bird brains, bright ideas, and potential Guinness World Record-breaking babies' bahoochies.

For any readers interested in news not beginning with the letter b, we also cover unloveliness in the shrubbery, electro-magnets, sunken treasure, joy overflowing, and the problems attendant upon displaying wonky apostrophes in public.

All this and more in just 4 easily digested, action-packed, pages.

Broughton's free, independent stirrer is available in print form at any number of shops, barbers, eateries, drinkeries, bike shops, libraries, newsagents, galleries, gutters, wheelie-bins, surgeries, upholsterers, radio stations and church foyers across a vast swathe of  Edinburgh within 800 metres ENW of Sherlock Holmes on Picardy Place.

You can also pluck a copy out of the hands of our milllion-strong distribution team, or download a 4-colour version by clicking on the top-right-hand corner of the homepage here.

We rely upon locally sourced ideas, written contributions and practical support.  Please contact us by email: Twitter: @theSpurtle  Facebook: Broughton Spurtle