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Submitted by Editor on

Issue 222 is written, printed, and about to skip gracefully across Broughton like a couple of South African bishops dressed in ballet skirts.

This September, there’s a whole heap of planning news – some of which is not at all good, some rather gratifying, some plain odd. We have hoots, toots, blooms and appeals for involvement, strict discipline, barefaced begging and a stamp of approval for local refurbishment.

We’ve got all the latest gossip on retail comings and goings, celebrity activism, healthy activity, some handy phrases for creasing up Shetlanders, and the inside track on local lingerie developments. No stone is left unturned, no nook unfossicked, no depth unplumbed.

Want to save money? Spurtle has a wizard scheme for bright buttons with smartphones. Want to spend money? Spurtle knows how today's teenagers splash their millions.

As ever, copies will be found in all reputable local pubs, clubs, eateries and drinkeries, hair salons, libraries, galleries, greengrocers, newsagents, booze agents, fishmongers, doom-mongers, bicycle and tooth repair shops, back-menders, plug vendors, clothes shops and fashionable places selling everything you never knew existed but now find you need urgently.

Alternatively, you can download a full-colour version effortlessly by double-clicking the top-right-hand image on this website's Home Page.

Spurtle is researched, written, produced, distributed and administered entirely by local volunteers on syrup of figs. However little time you have to spare, we always welcome new ideas, fresh blood and enthusiasm ...

Please get in touch by email on Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle