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Issue 225 is published and copies are now spreading across Broughton as fast as our squads of goosefat-smeared distributors can carry them.

The December issue has a festive feel, with pantomime piracy, reindeer, elves, Santa and a poetic nativity contained in its four otherwise tinsel-free pages.

Elsewhere you'll find Planning news and Education aspirations, parking, basketball, migration, commemoration and three – count them, THREE – sets of Italians.

We have musical interludes from Whisky Kiss, a laughing policeman, a French riddle, Dr Who, non-serial-killer-inspired Wagyu, and kid-you-not health and fitness tips from Tracey Griffen on Scottish nosh and the virtues of spacehoppers.

A Grande Dame, hair salon developments, vinyasa flow yoga, and vanishing coppers bring page 4 to a joyous conclusion.

You can find the Spurtle in all the usual shops, newsagents, galleries, libraries, barbers, eateries, drinkeries, bicycle shops and backs of sofas from Pilrig Street to Canonmills, Howe Street to York Place, Leith Walk to Warriston Crescent.

And if you can't, or you just prefer your paper copy in colourful pixels, you can download a pdf by clicking the hyperlink here.

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