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April is so close you can almost wring the raindrops out of your nose hair.

This year, though, don’t bother buying galoshes and a new sou’wester. Bat off the spits with a spanking new Spurtle, out soon in two varieties of shower-resistant black and white.

Issue 228 includes news of nothing, absence, winners, losers and high hopes. We have successes, stones and celebrators, media moguls, doughnuts, raffles, weeds, crafts and any amount of fish. History comes next, followed by flits, India, court cases, golden arrows, cracks in the pavement, rubbish relations, huge and inappropriate flashes, hairdressers, public schoolboys with unlikely parents, health tips, signs, sit-downs, demolition, dog art, double lines, disappointment and vindication. Not necessarily in that or any other order.

All these and more await you in 4 action-packed pages available in pubs, clubs, eateries, drinkeries, bike shops and Barnet-buffers, libraries, galleries, tailors, upholsterers, between the bronzed buttocks of antique dealers and deep in the midst of all those other interesting peculiars normal toothbrushes have left behind. Basically, if you’re in Broughton, you’re never far from a Spurtle.

Alternatively, download a copy from our Homepage first thing on Tuesday morning.