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August’s Spurtle (Issue 232) is printed, folded, bundled into tens, and now being loaded onto a caravan of GPS-guided delivery-llamas ready for distribution across the barony.

This month we cover crashes, skeletons and the Calton Centre, problems with post, philanthropy, cats, rabbits, tigers and wee things which bite where they shouldn’t, the damned beautiful, the lost, the cheeky, the mysterious, the having-a-laugh, winged, perplexing, underground, flowering, unexpected, unblinking, naked, tasty, surprisingly large, politically unreliable, musical and ingenious.

Also a problem pong.

To put yourself in the picture, pick up a copy from any reputable Broughton newsagent, shop, hair salon, green grocer, gallery, library, eaterie, drinkerie, bicycle vendor, upholsterer or specialist alternative lifestyle accessoriser. Failing that, download a colourful pdf tomorrow from our homepage here.

Remember, Spurtle is the sum of your parts. If you have a story to tell, an opinion, insight or morsel of juicy gossip, a photo, a drawing or just a few minutes per month when you’re free to deliver some copies, we’d love to hear from you. 

You can contact us by email: or Twitter: @theSpurtle or Facebook: Broughton Spurtle