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The new Spurtle is pretty much done, dusted and trundling into boxes ready for distribution across Broughton early in November.

Crime news and price-hikes jostle on page 1 with substandard chips and a local star whom few folk remember.

We continue inside with a blend of bad behaviour, excessive traffic, rubbish, rubbish, rubbish and more rubbish. An item on rubbish follows, then we split hares and cure anxiety, report new places to dine and imbibe, post letters, learn how to paint and remember the dead.

Apple products loom modestly, as does a glamorous new figure in Pilrig Park and a local woman covered in cats. Throw in another cat, mills and bongs, pavement thrills, pavement violence, and the endless quest for less speed, and you have the tip of the 4-page iceberg which will be bobbing newsily across the barony somewhere near you over the next few days.

You will find copies in all the usual newsagents, nosheries, swalleries, bookshops and bike repairers, galleries, hair crimpers, chair plumpers, libraries, doctors’ quaking rooms and those dusty recesses of basement antique shops from which few people ever return richer.

Catch your copy while stocks last, or download a colourful pdf from our Home page here.

And remember: if you have news, views, images, private intelliegence or spare working body-parts you’d like to share with a wider public, we’d love to hear from you at and @theSpurtle and Facebook