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December’s Spurtle is an almost entirely Christmas-free zone. It contains only a dozen words of vague cheeriness, being chiefly consumed with news: news red, amber, and green in beak and claw.

Brace yourself. We start with trams and the Swiss cheese that is likely to be Leith Walk, teapots west of Eighth Avenue, rumblings along Broughton Street, and an embarrassing slap on the wrist for Council Planners.

We continue with more Planning, Planning, and the occasional Planning item, before varying the tone a bit with a few stories on bins, birds, bears, shops, bad drivers, noshing options, and Planning.

Cash prizes, cycling routes, and esoteric miserabilism that is more mainstream than some would have us believe continue the tinsel-free unChristmassy tone, and we finish off with a world-exclusive anti-climax concerning non-developments on Logie Green Road.

This will be the last printed Spurtle until February 2016. We'll restock our usual outlets in January as and when supplies run low, but demand is likely to outstrip supply so grab your copy asap or look out for the spectacular colour version downloadable from our Home page as of midnight tonight.

Breaking news will continue to be covered online as usual. Keep sending your views, snippets, gossip and gripes and together we'll get through this most wonderful time of the year in one piece.

Don't keep it to yourself! Tell us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook