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Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, copies of the August Spurtle are already percolating through the barony in advance of distribution tomorrow, like enormously well-toned Olympians arriving in the Athletes’ Village only to find it’s full of blocked toilets and exposed wiring.

Page 1 hurls itself faster with development news, confidence building, music, consultations, and odd newcomers in the neighbourhood.

Page 2 goes higher with a flying maggot, film news, chocolate departures, crime, a cat, and locals exposed to voracious appetites.

Page 3 is stronger, with birds and bridges, loops, plantings, desperate scribbles, and a link to the mystery everybody’s talking about but no-one has got to the bottom of until now … the Broughton whirr.

Page 4 hobbles painfully back down the tunnel with a sideways and final finial story that goes round and around in circles before crashing, the second of two stories on daylight robbery, and a parting appeal for witnesses to a violent assault.

We may not break any records, but if it's running, jumping or fiddling with its urine samples anywhere in Broughton you'll probably read about it here first.

Issue 254 will be available in all the usual venues, or as a pdf on the Home Page of our website from midnight tonight.