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No sooner does one May leave Scotland than in comes another – this time bringing with it a new Spurtle.

Issue 262 carries word of welcome support for our beloved Council, a spring in the step for St Stephen’s, and the last word in definitive schedules for Leith Walk improvements.

There’s good news for Drummond students, and possibly bad news for Canonmills.

We cover a yawning gulf and try not to fall in. We cover McDonald Road upgrades and try not to fall asleep yawning.

Is there no end to it?

No. We have dangerous downpours and Broughton kids running for their lives, murderous thieves declared innocent, runaway laundry vans, hideous adults, tear-away youths, Leith at war, and – at long last – a place of refuge on Pilrig Street.

Still not satisfied? We have Edinburgh’s confirmed, narrowest pavement. Perhaps.

All this, plus a giraffe outrage. Does anything ever happen anywhere else?

Issue 262 has already begun to appear in shops, libraries, pubs and eateries across the barony and beyond, and the rest will appear in bulk once the Bank Holiday shutters have gone up again.

If you can’t wait that long, download a beautiful full-colour pdf from our Homepage here from midnight tonight.

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