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As you read this, copies of July’s Spurtle will be hurtling from the presses like bathers from a stray turd in the shallows at Glenogle.

Page 1 of Issue 264 brings you not one, not two, not three, but SIX local stories bearing on world-shaking events here in Broughton – everything from piles to Panamas and the travails of community councillors faced by diverting models.

On page 2 there’s news of a horse, daylight robbery, and a crumbling old friend in the park. Parking and planning feature, as do bins and the Botanics’ problems with accurately describing the seasons.

Page  3 will please fans of a Turkish delight, excite those who admire males with a powerful build, and thrill any who swoon at the sight of a naked knee, even if it does date from 1934. We have news of a refuge from politics, more news from the Botanics, and a cracked plate with a message for those embracing imperfection.

And finally, on page 4 we present a definitive explanation of ‘bin-creep’, the law-and-order wonk’s guide to this summer’s police operations, and an exclusive on who’s coming soon to a corner of St Andrew Square.

All this and more in 3,154 words, all of them locally sourced and available in shops, galleries, bars, diners, off licences, newsagents, greengrocers, bakers, bicycle shops and libraries between Pilrig and Howe Streets, Queen Street and Canonmills.

Also available here in colour online from Saturday morning.

If you have news, views, tips, photos or anything else you think we should know about, you can reach us via or @theSpurtle or Facebook