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Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, thousands of specially designed snow-resistant Spurtles are already settling in drifts across Broughton and beyond.

The March issue comes packed with news of a storm, , tourists, a stubborn returner and questionable coffee.

We scale the heights of planning applications and plumb the depths of local pond life. We anticipate a new route across town without cars, celebrate karma on Regent Terrace, and pay homage to cures for flatulency and biliary obstructions nostalgically recalled on Broughton Street.

Missing panels, a limping official, an absent friend and a petition on parking all add to the general spunedrift of local information you’ll find in the four pages of your local independent stirrer.

Spurtles will appear imminently in the usual shops, eateries,  drinkeries, bike shops, barbers, hair salons and libraries from Pilrig to Howe Street, Queen Street to Canonmills. Alternatively, pick up your copy from the antlers of any of the sponsored reindeer we’re driving through the area tomorrow and the day after OR download a pdf in the comfort of your own home from our website here after midnight tonight.