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People of Broughton, are you too hot? 

Then chill out with a super-cool copy of the July Spurtle, available across the barony and beyond from tomorrow. 

Issue 275 kicks off with news about tram engineers and local citizens divided by common aspirations. It continues with news from North Korea and a well-kent local face now captured on screen. There is also a tweet full of ticks. 

On a remarkably busy Page 2 we carry news of an impending bistro, a proposed coffee kiosk, an appealing academy and a cone where before there was a tree. Nettles, architecture and spinning plates are seized by the horns in some detail.

Vomiting Norwegians

Page 3 gets down and dirty with bins, vomiting Norwegians and the murky world of unsubstantiated rumours which everyone seems to know are true but won’t confirm. There are accounts of pointed exclusions in the offing, pantiles facing the demolition ball, theoretical lines lost in translation, and a possible road safety measure which we’ll be amazed to see installed before 2022.

Bendiness features on Page 4, along with the absence of buff bricks, the disappearance of an undistinguished but much loved old friend, and the bouncing adaptability of a pop-up boozer.

All this and more, plus a handy sunshade in every copy. 

Where and when?

The July Spurtle will appear in all the usual unusual shops, eateries, drinkeries, libraries, galleries, hairdressers and park benches from tomorrow. For those who prefer their sunshades delivered electronically, a downloadable colour pdf version will be available from our Homepage here from midnight tonight.

Finally, as ever, Spurtle depends on your input for news, views, hints and suggestions. Please help us fill the August issue by getting in touch via and @theSpurtle and Facebook