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ISSUE 291 – OUT ON THE 1st!

Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, copies of the December Spurtle are already to be found beautifying the barony like a newly washed flock of sheep by night all seated on the ground. 

This month’s issue (and next month’s, come to think of it) begins by bleating on about the indefensible and how it is being defended, continues with the unforeseen effects of stationary vehicles, baas about democracy, then concludes with the underground and a bad fleece day turned strangely good. 

On Page 2 we consider the pros and cons of sharing, glance not too closely at hoops, pass round a hat, consider going on holiday, and speculate about future letters of approval.

Virgins, a poet, bicycles, and the up-side of burial lighten the mood on Page 3, as do mosaics, things not to step gaily on, a quaich, and a performance that promises to surprise.

On our final page of 2019, we tiptoe around peril and predict the future, touch on the tidy behaviour of Leithers, wax pedantic about spelling.

All this and more for the price of a free fish supper with complimentary bottle of pop.

Black-and-white Spurtles can be found the length and breadth of Broughton in eateries and drinkeries, shops, libraries, hair salons, surgeries, and recycling bins. Or, if you prefer your hyperlocal journalism smelling of electricity, download the colourful pdf from our website HERE.