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Submitted by Editor on

All candidates invited to our hustings next week have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves. 

Next to respond is Jack Caldwell (Independent), whose words we reprint in full below. 


I’ve lived in the area for 20 years and been employed in it for the last five. 

I’m standing because I think there needs to be someone who’s been through the current school system and incarnation of the mental health services (I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 1995), and will fight for people who can’t speak out about services they rely on providing poor treatment.

Edinburgh Northern & Leith deserves someone passionate to work with and represent this diverse area.

This constituency has been harshly hit by cuts, which have resulted in a rise in social, economic and health issues, among many other trends which I’ve detailed on my website. These cuts come from City of Edinburgh Council consistently having its funding slashed by Holyrood and a Government which claims to be opposing austerity.

My campaign is focused on positive ways forward to tackle these challenges, and enabling local authorities and communities to have more power in decision making. I was one of the first candidates nationwide to pledge a one-pence tax rise to protect public services.

My manifesto on ‪ details further credible policies aimed at improving Scotland on both a national and local level.