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Submitted by Editor on

John Lewis seeks planning permission for changes that will allow the shop to keep trading while the St James Quarter is developed around and below it (Ref. 15/01659/FUL). 

The proposals are for:

  • a new entrance on Leith Street (beside the pedestrian crossing)
  • replacement of the revolving door at the prow (opposite the Omni)
  • removal of external stairs on Little King Street and replacement with a fire lift; installation of openable windows (both potential fire-fighting measures)
  • installation of new roof plant (of the humming and whirring variety, not the rustling and dappling kind).

The new entrances are required since entry from the current St James Centre will not be possible. With the closure of the St James Centre car park, more vehicles and their passengers are expected to use the Greenside car park over the road.

Internal reconfiguration of the store will entail 2 new lifts and a new stair. Menswear will have to go elsewhere as it won't be able to continue supported by thin air.

Unconfirmed rumours circulate locally that John Lewis eventually plans to open a branch of Waitrose at ground-floor level here.


Neighbours at 17a and 17b Dublin Street Lane South are submitting plans to refurbish and expand their currently rather sorry looking properties in a coordinated manner (Ref. 15/01497/FUL

Spurtle tends to agree with the Planning official who, in a preapplication discussion, apparently suggested, among other things, that the proposals were a significant improvement on what’s there at the moment.

We also agree that a new traditional pitched roofline would be preferable, depending on use of materials.


Good news!

An application to install a hand-painted sign on the premises at 39 Dundas Street reveal the imminent arrival of a welcome new business (Ref. 15/01341/ADV).

Archipelago Artisan Bakery  – until recently on Queen Street – will be occupying the space formerly used by the late-lamented New Town Store (Issue 237).