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We live in tumultuous times. 

Broughton has responded with customary wisdom, wit, and peculiarity. 

We begin with a torn sticker adhering to a lamppost in Haddington Place. 

Foresight is a wonderful thing. 

Staff at Crighton Place’s Gaia, on the other hand, are predicting great things once they return.

This message appears in the Rodney Street Tunnel, possibly left by Theresa May yesterday on her way home from Bute House.

Meanwhile, on Northumberland Street, some people are looking forward to events in November.

This French oddity appeared in, and as quickly disappeared from, Warriston Cemetery.

It translates roughly as ‘Inquiries arise like the cock on the rooftops’ and is dated 12.6.2016. It may have something to do with the Chilcot Report.

We couldn’t decipher the diagonal word or name followed by a heart. If any reader can do better, or offer a more plausible explanation, we’d be delighted to hear from them.

Artisan Roast on Broughton Street have abandoned a recent run of political commentaries and opted instead for vaguely apolcalyptic self-fulling prophesy.

Finally, we come to West Queen Street Gardens, where nothing seems to perturb the residents of the central New Town. Perhaps because the Army has been mobilised in their defence.