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Submitted by Editor on

Sometime over the weekend, a positively charged graffiti artist struck Broughton. 

Starting out in Bellevue, he or she bounced downhill spreading good cheer via Rodney Street to the wall outside the BP garage in Canonmills. 

It’s unknown where this positive outlook on life originated – fresh breath, perhaps, no wrinkles, an inexhaustible supply of clean socks and happy pills, or the carefree sense of fraternity that comes with never having attended a Neighbourhood Partnership Safer Communities meeting with too few biscuits and too many hungry policemen.

It’s certainly very different from the ambivalent or no-holds-barred doom-laden messages that often enliven our streets.

Unfortunately, these upbeat statements had little impact on Broughton’s commuters, few of whom seemed to even notice them.

Anyone disgruntled by these messages, or the apparently heartfree joys of their author, may take comfort from the fact that they’re scrawled in chalk and will wash off in the next rain like summer lovelights in a flood of tears.

Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.