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Submitted by Editor on

Eleven candidates will contest the forthcoming Leith Walk (Ward 12) by-election on 11 April.

They are, in alphabetical order:

Steven Alexander, UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Jack Caldwell, Scottish Liberal Democrats
Nick Gardner, Scottish Labour Party
Kevin Illingworth, Independent
David Don Jacobsen, Socialist Labour Party
Tom Laird, Scottish Libertarian Party
Dan McCroskrie, Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Rob Munn, Scottish National Party (SNP)
John Ferguson Scott, Independent
Lorna Slater, Scottish Green Party
Paul Mitchell Stirling, The For Britain Movement.

Residents who have not already done so should register to vote by 26 March. Contact the Electoral Registration Office HERE or at Tel. 0131-344 2500.

Polling cards have started being delivered today, and these give details of where and when to vote.

The by-election will use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system whereby voters rank candidates in order of preference using numbers rather than a single cross. Voters can choose to vote for as many or as few candidates as they wish, but only one candidate will be elected.