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Submitted by Editor on

Locals will have a chance to make their voices heard, and exert a little pressure, at two public events next week to discuss improvements for Leith Walk and Constitution Street.

Works scheduled for this September include road resurfacing and upgrading of public utilities, plus footway and environmental improvements. You can see the proposals at from 16 July onwards.

But following consultations earlier this year, officials are also keen to check which local aspirations for further improvements they should prioritise (e.g. planting, better pavements, cycling provision and bin sites, reduced street clutter, new street furniture).

Council officials will listen and answer questions at McDonald Road Library at the following times:

  • Monday 16 July, 4.00–7.00pm
  • Tuesday, 17 July, 10am–noon.

Anyone who can't make it along to these sessions but would still like to receive information or make their view known can phone Loraine Duckworth at Tel. 529 6194 or email either [] or [].

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