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Submitted by Editor on

All candidates invited to our hustings next week have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves. 

First to respond is Lesley Hinds (Labour), whose words we reprint in full below. 


In the Scottish Parliament elections Labour want to:

1.  Look to the future, not the past  

2. Fully use Parliament’s new powers 

3. Provide an alternative to Tory austerity and SNP cuts.

I was born and educated in Dundee where I qualified as a primary-school teacher. I have lived for almost 40 years in North Edinburgh with my family.

I have a reputation as one of the most hard-working and effective of councillors, who does her best for her constituents. I have represented the most deprived communities in the city, and now one of the most affluent. I have held senior positions from Council Leader and Lord Provost, to my current role as Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee. I am known for strongly representing the views of my constituents in all matters which affect them.

I would like to use my experience and skills to represent all the residents of Edinburgh Northern and Leith in the Scottish Parliament.

You have two votes in the Scottish Parliament election, a constituency one and a party vote. Make sure you cast both your votes for Scottish Labour. 

#BothvotesLabour will ensure that our Parliament uses the real powers we have to stop the cuts and invest in our future.

Contact:  Tel: 07778413792


 Peter Hill the woman who was central in the trams fiasco , and also it seems in approving a PFI scheme for dodgy builders to build schools in the city, no credibility what soever !

@theSpurtle maybe @LAHinds would like to defend her party on decisions made re PFI given the current crisis in the city's schools @uklabour