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Scottish Liberal Democrats have often prided themselves on focusing election campaigns around local concerns, but this time location itself appears to be an issue.

In the run-up to May's election, party workers are distributing a free newspaper with Holyrood candidate Dan Farthing and two councillors on the front page consulting a map. It is called 'Edinburgh North & Leith News': a title referring to a Scottish Parliamentary constituency which no longer exists. The mistake is repeated in Mr Farthing’s email address on Page 2 (

For the record, following Boundary Commission revisions in 2010, the substantially redrawn constituency is now called Edinburgh Northern and Leith.

Meanwhile, in the  simultaneously distributed Lib-Dem newssheet 'Focus on Broughton', there are 2 references to Edinburgh North and Leith and 1 to Edinburgh Northern and Leith. Mr Farthing himself opts for safety, writing that he is determined to campaign on the issues which really matter 'in the north of Edinburgh and in Leith'. It's all a bit of a guddle.

Lib Dems, however, are by no means the only ones puzzled by new constituency arrangements here, and their difficulties at least show that they are in touch with confused voters. For guidance, we recommend Wednesday’s article at:

Rest assured, we shall be scrutinising all parties' unsolicited mail drops with equal rigour.