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It is now nearly 65 years since Big Brother first made an appearance in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

The kindly or threatening embodiment of totalitarianism has since become synonymous with mass surveillance, or the intrusive abuse of such surveillance technology by the state.

Here in Broughton, we take a dim view of snooping (unless we’re the ones doing it), and some people are commendably quick to point out where they think the authorities’ interest in us may begin to overstep the mark.

This seems to be the explanation for a stencilled cut-out message attached to the pole at the foot of Broughton Street on which perches a police CCTV camera.

It was placed here last week by person or persons unknown (at least to the Spurtle). The work bears the hallmarks of street-artist REMOTE, but is not tagged or otherwise identified.

Whoever is responsible, we applaud their light touch and initiative.