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Since 1991, Broughton-based charity The Rock Trust has worked with young people aged 16–25 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless across Edinburgh and the Lothians.

This includes young people in transitions, leaving care or home, and those involved in offending, alcohol or drug misuse.

As part of its work, Rock Trust regularly provides emergency food parcels for those in a financial fix. Right now, though, supplies at its Albany Street HQ are running low, and workers there have appealed through social media for donations.

Because youths are often in temporary accommodation with no cooking facilities, what Rock Trust needs are things to eat which can be prepared with just hot water. MasterChef it isn't, but it fills a hole.

For example: Cup-a-soups, Pot noodles, Super noodles, Pasta n Sauce, dry pasta and noodles, cereal, porridge pots, crisps, biscuits, oatcakes and cereal bars.

If you can donate food, please drop it off at 55 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QY (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm). Alternatively, Rock Trust staff may be able to come and pick it up from your address.

For further information, email admin@rocktrust or Tel. 557 4059.