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Local residents who organise themselves to take an active interest in their neighbourhoods can make a noticeable and very welcome difference.

Take the Friends of Pilrig Park.

Three years ago, the Friends group started regular clearance and clean-up days. Wooded areas were opened up and made to feel safe and welcoming. And with light flooding through, the wildflowers soon began to flourish and spread.

Several grass areas were planted with more wildflowers as part of the Living Landscape Project, and these have been a great success.

With Council support, the group has also introduced a lot more bins, benches and a couple of picinic tables.

Twelve bird boxes were introduced, all of which the RSPB observes were used.

Spurtle can confirm that even the odd dog poo these days smells of roses.

‘Everyone seems to feel the park has improved,’ says Friends member Liz Bannatyne, ‘and this is largely due to the Friends Committee and volunteers’.

The group’s next AGM will start at 6.30pm in McDonald Road Library on Monday 12 October, and all are welcome to attend.

[Both images by Liz Ballantyne.]


 Pamela Dobbie Well done to the Friends of Pilrig Park. Volunteers make a huge contribution to our communities.

 Roberta Buchan Hear hear Pamela Dobbie!