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Christine Clark, the former Rodney Street artist whose work we featured in Issue 180, is exhibiting this summer on the Lawn Market.

'Up the Winding Staircase' comprises work by 6 Edinburgh-based artists: Imogen Alabaster, Adrian Baird Ba Than, Deborah Cameron, Christine Clark, Morag Dewar and Mark Edward.

Clark,  who describes her work as 'based on dreamscapes, imagination and the surreal' –  was born in Fort William in 1984, and graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2006. She has recently exhibited at Axolotl and Union Gallery. Pictured is her recent Attitude2.

'Up the Winding Stair' runs from 10:00am–5:00pm, 10–15 August at the Gladstone's Land Gallery, 477b Lawn Market. Entry is free.