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P6–P7 pupils from Broughton Primary School have been writing a book with help from local author Mary Turner Thomson, writes our special correspondent (one of the pupils involved).

Each class was split into groups and in various workshops the pupils helped to create the characters and the stories and learned how to edit a book, publish it and publicise it.

The book, named School Daze, is a collection of various different silly stories about the adventures of four schoolchildren.

It will be launched at City Chambers this morning, and can be ordered from the school office for £6.99.

It was illustrated by parent Helen Kennedy.



Surprise arrival Councillor Marilyne MacLaren, Convenor of the Education, Children and Families Committee, spoke of her admiration and pleasure at the publication of School Daze. She said it is a perfect example of how the new Curriculum for Excellence can bring a variety of subjects and skills together in innovative ways.

Author and coordinator Mary Turner Thomson afterwards described the project as sometimes a challenge, 'but always a joy from start to finish'. After the speeches and votes of thanks, pupils queued up to collect their copies of the book and add their own and Ms Thomson's signatures to them.

[img_assist|nid=2457|title=|desc=Book-signing with the author|link=node|align=left|width=640|height=439]

[img_assist|nid=2456|title=|desc=A reading from Chapter 1|link=node|align=left|width=640|height=480]