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Broughton Scouts found themselves locked-out of St Mary's RC Primary School again on Friday evening following yet more problems with Edinburgh Council's unreliable janitorial cover.

Officers at Gayfield Square Police Station could have been forgiven for thinking an unplanned protest was in progress on East London Street (actually, there was) as Scouts chanted their dissatisfaction: ‘Boo to Bungling Cooncil’.

Thankfully, Broughton St Mary's Parish Church stepped in at very short notice to provide a room for the evening. A shortened programme was able to go ahead. But there's no doubt that our local lads and lassies are suffering from the constant interruption to their Scouting programme, and Gold Chief Scout Awards will be few and far between if this continues.

Scout Leaders are now seeking an urgent meeting with Andrew Burns, Leader of The City of Edinburgh Council, after earlier appeals have failed (as predicted) to improve weekly uncertainty about the venue opening (Breaking news, 3.2.14).

Scout Leader Scott Richards says ‘We've had a different, inexperienced agency janitor each week since the last lock-out.

'Now, we just need a simple solution. Give us a set of keys and it solves the problem. We take great pride in our meeting place and we'll look after it. 

‘Please give us a chance. After all, as B-P said, “A Scout is to be trusted"’.

Last time exactly the same problem arose (in February) a Council spokesperson told Spurtle:  'There have been issues providing cover for this let since the New Year but we are confident that these have now been resolved'.



Belated thanks for the link - as an exScout I feel under significant pressure to pursue this! More seriously; I am following up.



Friday evening, 4 April 2014

I wonder if the Broughton Scouts will have a meeting venue this week? I'll keep you posted.

It's being pursued Scott - staff will get update ASAP. I'm away next week, but my e-mails being read.


thanks Andrew, good to know it's been looked into as I stand here with 25 kids and nowhere to meet.


Very sorry to hear that. Have e-mailed you.



Tonight, Scouts YET AGAIN scuppered by no-show jannies. 25 kids locked out:



Please see earlier tweets ... this is being pursued; more than happy to meet; but off next week, Andrew