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Submitted by Editor on

If there’s one sign more suggestive than any other of spring having sprung, it is surely the number of seasonally bewildered cats wandering the wrong streets and back greens of Broughton.
If you have a shed, cludgie or outbuilding which isn’t covered in padlocks, the chances are that there’s a cat in it right now reminiscing about wherever it isn't and blaming all its current misfortunes on the stupid sat nav.

First of this year’s crop of lost moggies is Luna, who went missing on Easter Sunday (20 April) from Chancelot Terrace, Ferry Road, near Victoria Park (see map below) but is a former Spurtleshire resident so may have drifted back in this direction.

She's 15 years old, looks younger, has soft grey and white fur, and is described by her owner as very sweet-natured if a little shy and jumpy. She is not familiar with traffic, so may have been spooked.

Please email news of any sightings to or call Mob. 07921 333 617.