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Submitted by Editor on

All candidates invited to our hustings next week have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves. 

The latest to respond is Martin Veart (Liberal Democrat), whose words we reprint in full below. 


After a global career, Martin Veart wants to use the experience gained to represent the people of Leith and Edinburgh. He is a liberal to the core: believing that government is here to serve the people and that power is best placed at the most local level possible. 

We live in a diverse nation but we share the belief in getting the basics right: good education, healthcare, transport and warm homes. That is what these elections are about and that is something that the SNP is failing to deliver.

Liberal Democrats will use the new tax-raising powers to put education back on top of the agenda by raising an extra £475 million to reverse the ongoing cuts that are being delivered to our schools, colleges and universities.

On the matter of the recent school closures, I think that nothing short of a a full public enquiry is in order. Not only should the company and relevant sub-contractors be held to account for the quality of the work performed, but also the city council and other relevant public bodies.

Martin Veart lives in the constituency with his family.