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Submitted by Editor on

Are you aged 13–18, full of bright ideas, and with a bit of time on your hands this summer?  

If so, why not have a crack at the Merchant Company’s ‘Turn a Tenner’ Prize? 

The organisers ask entrants to make a £10 investment and see what they can make of it.

The competition is designed ‘to find young people who can put good ideas into practice. It could be a commercial venture, charity venture, an environmental sphere or in the arts … the sky’s the limit’.

Entrants have until 17 July to register their interest, and then until the end of August to work individually or as a small team in putting the idea into effect.

They then make a short presentation in September, which shortlisted entrants repeat at an awards ceremony in October. Here the judges (members of the Merchant Company and a senior executive from Johnston Press) will make a final decision based not simply on profit but on ‘originality and enterprise, community and/or charity involvement, and business/commercial acumen’.

The winning prize is £500, and two runners-up will take away £250 each.

Full details and a link to the entry form are available here, and there are some more ideas and encouragement on the Facebook page here.

Good luck!

[Lightbulb image: Wikimedia, Creative Commons]