Returning home yesterday evening, Spurtle reader Miranda Gilhooley spotted this curious message attached to the policebox in Drummond Place.
Measuring, ‘framed’, roughly the size of a postcard, it reads like an overhead snippet from a stranger’s telephone conversation.
'Humdrum but interesting,' Gilhooley describes it. 'Steven sounds nice.'
Gilhooley wondered whether the background to this note – an article about Mark Danielewski's The Familiar – had any connection with the local correspondent's choice of format.
She then continued on her way, and had just begun to ponder wherther there is enough space in Broughton for the remaining 873 or more days’ worth of stray thoughts to be positioned when she chanced upon this.Another fragment of thought, this time considering the strengths and limitations of a local community, perhaps ours.
It was stuck to the side of a junction box in East Scotland Street Lane.
Can any reader explain this intriguing phenomenon, or tell us where to find more? Please send locations, photographs and reactions to us by email: or Twitter: @theSpurtle or Facebook: Broughton Spurtle
------------------------- Broughton Spurtle @theSpurtle 4h Messages from an unknown confidante: … Have @NewTownFlaneur or @whitegallery11 spotted any? #art
New Town Flaneur @NewTownFlaneur 2h
@theSpurtle Hope there's one featuring slaloming around dog poo while repelling demented avians & being run over by fleets of Land Rovers. New Town Flaneur @NewTownFlaneur 2h @theSpurtle In any case, I shall investigate on my return to Spurtleshire.
Donna Bell @Donnabell0412 4h @theSpurtle @NewTownFlaneur @whitegallery11 Day 115 spotted on bus stop at bottom of Dundas street
By email from Caroline Roussot: The author of this seems to lead a more mundane existence than the lives of, say, the book sculpture creator or the artistic knitters! The knitters have done some quite cool stuff (Doctor Who anniversary commemoration with a scarf wrapped round the Canonmills police box; they marked an exhibition at the National Gallery for which the Gallery had clothed the columns of its front facade in sort of rainbow leg-warmers, with a set of knitted rainbow railing-warmers on railings at the junction of Howe and Northumberland Streets; there was recently a similar set of bollard-warmers outside Cuckoo Bakery on Dundas Street but I didn't 'get' the cultural allusion).
Matthew Halsall @matthewhalsall 21m Here's one under Waterloo Bridge #art @theSpurtle
David Monk @dcmonk79 43m
@edinspotlight @theSpurtle There's one on the billboards in front of Shrubhill.
New Town Flaneur @NewTownFlaneur 1h @theSpurtle I wonder if we'll discover what colour trousers the Steven character wears.
Broughton Spurtle @theSpurtle 59m
@NewTownFlaneur I hope so. Red at weekends, possibly. RBS victim? Anyway, she seems to be going off him now. See latest example. New Town Flaneur @NewTownFlaneur 43m @theSpurtle ....and leather during the week. Which may explain why she's going off him. Ormaybe he's an android.
matthew @professorgillan 6m @theSpurtle @edinspotlight what kind of so called "writer" would deface the cricket report like that. What with@blowersh in town.
@NewTownFlaneur Order: Steven WAS being needy (747), but NOW sort of souposexual (874). @BigTamConnery – any apercus? …
New Town Flaneur @NewTownFlaneur Jul 30
@theSpurtle You're assuming the author adheres to linear concept of time. They may be Tralfamadorian, & thus the soup & neediness co-exist.

@theSpurtle @NewTownFlaneur Shouposhexshual - what an intereshting word. I have no clue what it'sh all about, shorry to disshapoint :>}
@theSpurtle this one's on York Place

- Big Tam retweeted youJul 31:More messages from an unknown confidante: … Please keep them coming. #art #autobiography
@theSpurtle will you unearth the culprit, i wonder? Hm. @NewTownFlaneur

More Messages from an Unknown Confidante – and AN EXPLANATION: … @NewTownFlaneur @BigTamConnery
@theSpurtle @NewTownFlaneur a clever way to build up intrigue. Nishe work, Shpurtle, private eye.
This one (Day 1012) was belatedly spotted on 22 August attached to the back of the Bellevue Crescent telephone box.