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Submitted by Editor on

Frankly, it makes no sense. 

This phrase adorns both sides of the Rodney Street Tunnel, where it first appeared, we think, in late July. 

Spurtle has failed to establish any particular reference in the Moomin canon to sauce loving, or any contemporary usage of the term which clarifies its appearance here now.

If your superior understanding of the Moomins, Snork Maiden, Snork, Snufkin and the Muddler, or indeed your experience of making or retaining sauce, suggests a plausible explanation, we’d love to hear it.

It’s possible that the graffiti in some way commemorates the centenary of  Finnish author Tove Jansson’s birth in Helsinki. An interesting account of her life and loves appears here.

Meanwhile, for those with more money than sense, a Moomin-themed saucepan is available to buy from Muurla, along with Moomin-themed everything else on the website All Things Moomin.


@theSpurtle This is clearly a case of of Moomin trolling.

@theSpurtle maybe some Moomins now indulging in Tesco plonk and risqué jokes and living feral in North Edinburgh?

@NewTownFlaneur @theSpurtle The Canonmills pissjugs vendor has left his mark inside the tunnel there too.

@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle That'll be for Moominpeepee, I suppose.

@theSpurtle It's true - drunken children's fictional characters can be seriously dangerous.