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The frequently venueless lads and lassies of Broughton St Mary's Scouts (Breaking news, 3.2.14; Issue 227) held their Sochi-inspired winter camp at Loch Morlich recently.

Departing from Broughton on a Friday evening, they were soon safely tucked-up in bed at Cairngorm Youth Hostel with tummies full of lashings of toast and hot chocolate.

Drawing back the curtains, leaders were delighted to see a blue sky and light winds on the Saturday morning, and the Snow Patrol assembled at Glenmore to collect their skis and kit for a day on the perfect piste.

Meanwhile, the Glen Patrol were setting out for a visit to Landmark Park followed by a tour around Rothiemurcus Estate and a lively deer-feeding session with a herd of Red Does.

The two patrols came together again at the youth hostel in the evening for homemade pizza making, Swiss roll and a movie night.

Another lovely day followed on the Sunday with a hike around the sandy shores of Loch Morlich before a final trip into Aviemore to purchase some quality souvenirs.

Wildlife encountered were Red Deer stags and does, Red Squirrels, Robin Red Breasts and Red-faced Scout Leaders hiking up the hill. The camp was declared a roaring success by the intrepid Broughton Scouts. 

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